Cyndi 4Real Ministries |
The Fourth Quarter
Any football fans out there? Surely, many of you know a whole lot more than me. However, I am aware that football is a sport played between two teams of eleven at one time with the objective of scoring points by advancing the ball into the opposing team's end zone. The ball can be advanced by running with it or throwing it to a teammate. Each team is subject to run into, run over, hold back and blocks the opposing team to keep the man with the ball safe! Points can be scored by carrying the ball over the opponent's goal line, catching a pass thrown over that goal line, kicking the ball through the opponent's goal posts or tackling an opposing ball carrier in his own end zone. Wow, sounds so harsh. I realize there is a lot more to the game but a few other words that come to mind are words like kickoff, first downs, defense, offense, snaps, penalties, center, line of scrimmage, yards, gains, sudden death, rushing, pass, passing, forward pass, tackle, incomplete, out of bounds, interception, sack, fumble, safety, touchback, turnover, punt, and touchdown! A standard football game consists of four 15-minute quarters and an intermission after the second quarter. All of the above mentioned words describe the game of football and can take place at any given time. Our lives also consist of two teams; good and evil! Daily we are hit by the opposing team as we strive to carry out the gospel of Jesus Christ! Sometimes it just seems impossible to advance or gain as we are criticized and penalized for each and every move we make. We look to our teammates at times but it appears that they are messing up just as bad or more of them are sitting on the sideline rather than being involved! The real players get knocked around so much that sudden death seems to be near! We run as to win that prize and sometimes find ourselves going beyond the dimensions that have been set resulting in another incomplete assignment! I just want to encourage you to stay in the game! The end zone is not an unattainable goal! It’s designed for winners. Whatever God has told you to do, tackle it with God's word! Run with it, carry it; take the hits if you have to! Should you fumble, get back up and pick up where you left off! Don't forget who is really running the ball, or should I say calling the shots behind the scenes in our lives. He is the defensive and offensive coordinator! He is the head coach; the owner of the team! Even in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of this year, you may have felt like a complete failure. Or maybe things just have not turned out like you expected. Don't lose heart! Some of the best comebacks have taken place in the 4th quarter! I have seen some great interceptions, even in the last few seconds of the game; demanding a complete turnaround. What am I trying to say? We are in the 4th quarter of this year and the people of God are about to experience the greatest turnover ever! Just lie watching your favorite team play ball, don't you dare turn that dial or abort your assignment until the last quarter has ended! Whether it's the normal four quarters or you need a little extra overtime, just know that It ani't over 'til God says, "It's over! 2 Corinthians 4:17 states, For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Remember, if you can understand the game of football surely you can understand this thing called life! Be blessed today. ~Minister Cynthia Diggs Comments are closed.