Cyndi 4Real Ministries |
It was always a joy helping my siblings raise their kids. One of the joys was teaching them to take their first steps to eventually walking on their own. I would cheer real loud as each step was made and even give incentives for them to continue. The hardest part was watching them bump into things or fall down.
It would really break my heart to see them just sitting there crying. They would get so excited when they realized they were taking steps on their own and a couple of them, (won't call names and embarrass them) would start clapping for themselves or bouncing and trying to dance! Know they were not strong enough to be doing all of that! What I learned was, the more they fell, the more they realized the importance of staying focused and listening to the directions that were being given. Directions like, "Hold your head up, come to me, take your time, get up and try it again, don't look at them but look at me, keep moving, don't be afraid, etc. Such is life, many times we are given people in our lives that have been placed to help us to walk this journey out. But we lose focus along the way and stop taking those important directives that will help us make the right steps. We start doing well and feel we do not need help anymore and forget, we are all forever learning. We begin to listen to others because what they are saying sounds better to us and eventually, we fall. Yes, the Lord is standing there with His arms outstretched ready to help us when we fall, but His hand is also holding ours and leading to keep us from falling. In these last and evil days, the saints really need to stay alert and remember our faith and hope has to remain on the return of Our Savior. Some falls can TRULY be eliminated. "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen". – Jude 1:24-25 KJV |