Cyndi 4Real Ministries |
A word to my single brothers and sisters. I guess it's just that time of the year that we tend to bend the rules and compromise our integrity. Is that what’s going on? It’s getting cold so we want to keep this thang heated up! This has to be the case because lately, I have personally received so many requests to pray for the area that many of us struggle in as singles; maintaining sexual purity! I... do not a...nd will not ever advise in an area that I have not experienced or have acquired enough knowledge to lead someone else. I will warn you that when you ask for advice in this area, I am going to tell you what God loves and NOT what you probably want to hear. SEX outside of marriage is prohibited by the Lord, not me! I did not make that rule. I am hearing that relationships are failing, lives are being destroyed, and people are just not sure how to handle what is happening as a result of sleeping with someone that is not their spouse! This is what you should expect when you do it your way and not God's way. He knew the consequences we would suffer by giving into our fleshly desires; baby mama drama, missing daddy's, emotionally distraught people, unwanted pregnancies, STD’s, sleepless nights and just straight confusion! If you have not experienced any of this as a result of your creeping, sleeping, tipping and booty calling, just keep it up and I promise you will. Stop calling and asking for advice if you don’t want to be held accountable! We want relief without the deliverance and I’m not going to utilize my time fasting and praying for inappropriate relationships! None of us are perfect but you have to at least have the desire to want to wait for YOUR GOD GIVEN mate. A quickie is not worth a lifetime of pain! A few months of some heated moments won’t get you what you want! So I suggest we single people take plenty of cold showers, warm up by the fire or a portable heater; cuddle up with the word of God over a hot cup of cocoa, coffee or tea and WAIT! While we wait, let’s keep our mind stayed on Jesus and do some productive stuff like help some people, study, get our finances straight or receive more education! God He has so much more in store for those that can be a little more disciplined. If we can’t control our genitals, we continue to forfeit blessings from God! Stop giving in to the devil! No one is perfect or free from sin, however, the greater knowledge we have of God, the more He expects from us. I was unable to commit to this type of discipline until I studied what sexual immorality is and what it does to everyone that is involved. All it takes is the desire to do better and then commit your ways to the Lord. So in a nutshell, if you don’t want to know the truth about shacking, single sexing and all the other baggage that comes with engaging in premarital sex, don’t come to me! I have a zero tolerance for those that play with this thing! I am sick of the body of Christ, I mean those that profess true salvation, but can’t stay out of somebody’s pants or under somebody’s dress! Get out of that bed if it’s not yours! Start tonight by going to bed with JESUS on your mind and you'll wake up with your mind STAYED on Him! I Corinthians 6:18: Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.
My name is Minister Cynthia Diggs, founder and servant leader of 4REAL Ministries; God and myself approve this message! Comments are closed.