Cyndi 4Real Ministries |
So many scandals and tragedies are going on amongst the body of Christ. My heart is just sad. I realize it's all a sign of the times but we still have our duties and obligations. My questions are as follows: Can Christian's really share their deepest, darkest secrets and get help when needed from other Christians without being judged? Are we taking care of our brother's/sister's as the Bible has commanded us to do? Are we so involved in our own personal lives that we are overlooking the hurting people? Have we just become so good at hiding our issues? So often we would like to share with someone but the fear of being exposed, losing title(s), criticism, separation, etc. cause us to just shut down and keep it all inside. And then, when we share some of our hurt and misfortune or just plain testing, we receive the same response of, 'I'll be praying for you'. Don't get me wrong, I truly believe in the power of prayer. However, many times we use this line to get people to leave us alone or to prevent us from moving and doing anything else. Yes, according to James 5:16; the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Bu,t if you hear I am hungry, feed me and then pray that I stay full! If I am sick, get me some medicine and then lay hands! If I am in the dark, provide light and then pray that the light remains. I can't hear your prayer when I am broke, busted and disgusted! If you know I am dealing with drugs, sexual demons, a jezebel spirit, a jealous spirit or an alcohol addiction..get me some help!!! And follow up to see what is going on! We are responsible one for another. As quiet as it's kept, no addict wants to be one and all addictions are still addictions! I think we fail to realize that the human body and mind is only capable of handling so much. Even saved bodies and minds..those that are in Christ STILL struggle with something! We all have our load limit and yet, we have been commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. Do we really do this? Do we really know what it means? Our foreparents were able to look at you and tell you what was going on with you. They would pray until deliverance took place. No person was left behind. No one was left alone. Which brings me to my last question, whatever happened to spiritual discernment? How are we missing so much when it's happening right in our homes? In our schools? In our neighborhoods? And most definitely in our churches? The world takes care of the worldly but Christians overlook each other. When will the church be the church God is looking for? How long can this last? We can't go on like this.
8/31/2011 06:24:17 am
Ooo wee Jesus! There is a lot that can be said about this convoluted question (heavy, heavy, heavy!!). Let me just first start off with a few passages of scripture as food for thought. 8/31/2011 04:13:56 pm
You are a true vessel for God! I promise you ALL these scriptures came to mind as I typed! Especially... I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
9/1/2011 06:24:56 am
As I read this on yesterday, I couldn't do anything but shake my head as say "Lord, please help us." My mind went back down memory lane to when I was a young girl and I could remember my grandmothers backing cakes, bread, sharing lunch and dinner with their neighbors that were in need. We were poor ourselves, but they still somehow always found a little "extra" to share with somebody else. Now days, the attitude of the world has infiltrated the church world in that it's every man for himself. But that's definitely not God. We used to quote the saying, wear the wristbands, necklaces, etc. with the acronym WWJD meaning What Would Jesus Do. But we seem to have totally lost that concept. We lost the meaning of being a doer and not hearer/readers only of God's word. Having knowledge of God's word means nothing if it's not applied. How can we close up the bowels of compassion to our fellow men when God gives us so much grace and mercy? Don't get me wrong, I know it's natural to want to look out for and preserve for yourself. That's the fleshly way and comes first nature. But we are to walk in the Spirit, not the flesh. We seem to close our eyes and turn a deaf ear until an issue is knocking at our door and THEN we take notice. It ought not be so among the people of God. We are helpers one to another. We may not have much, but whatever we have we should make available to someone else in need. The word says that MY God shall supply ALL our needs. So why be selfish? The word also says that if we are faithful over a little, he will make you ruler over much. So why be a hoarder over the little that you have when he's trying to get you to stretch out and make us ruler over much. Remember the servant that buried the talent? Talk about considering our ways. Wow!!
9/14/2011 05:16:59 am
I am with you on this Cyndi!!! It is taking a lot of work on and with me,but I am trying to do better with reaching out to others. I do not do it every day or every week,but I'm really trying. A person must show themself friendly. At the same time I do not want people to take my kindness for weakness. Comments are closed.